Saturday, December 13, 2008

Jean Davis, 1931-2008

What can we say about Jean Davis, my grandmother? As I look out today and see so many family and friends here, our eyes moist with memory and our hearts heavy with loss -- each one of us reliving some precious moment that we shared with her -- it is clear that my grandma deeply touched all of our lives, and left a legacy of love that we will forever cherish.

Ma lived life to its fullest. She was a seasoned traveler and she loved Gospel music. Some of my earliest memories of her are from the Edens Family Quartet bus. She and Loretta hardly ever missed a sing. Ma always had her famous biscuits stashed in her purse, and I'd munch on them as we rode along. She went to Gospel sings as long as she was able, and after that, sometimes the sings would come to her, in her recliner, from my Dad.

Grandma loved us grankids, despite all the orneriness we got into at her house. One time when I was five or six, I had left all my Lincoln Logs in the living room floor. Ma told me I'd better clean them up before somebody fell and broke their neck. I replied with impeccable logic, "But Grandma, Lincoln Logs don't have necks!" Like I said, she loved us anyway.

It was just a few short months ago that we were gathered here to remember the life of my grandfather. I don't think many of us expected to be back so soon, but with her beloved husband of nearly sixty years waiting for her in Glory, she was ready. Theirs was an enternal bond, consecrated for the ages, sealed by God. Now their love is made perfect, untethered from earthly sorrows, a wondrous testament to God's faithfulness. What a joyous life they shared, and I am truly thankful that I was able to be a part of it.


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