Sunday, June 19, 2005

A Party Unhinged

I'm sure by now you've heard all about Senator Dick Durbin's remarks and the ensuing hubbub they caused. You know, when he compared our troops at Gitmo to the administrators of the Nazi death camps (death toll: six million) and the Soviet gulags (death toll: 15-30 million) and the Cambodian killing fields (death toll: two million). Never mind that the death toll at Gitmo is, um, zero. You should also forget that captured al-Qaida training manuals instruct their members, if they are ever held in American custody, to allege torture and, interestingly, mistreatment of the Koran. Now why would al-Qaida think of that? Because they know that some segments of the media and large swaths of the Democratic Party will then take up their cause. After all, "US Senator Calls US Troops 'Nazis'" looks way better in the Arab media than when bin Laden says the same thing. Thank you, Senator Durbin.

So what tortures are the poor misunderstood jihadists at Gitmo enduring? Prepare yourself. They are being subjected to such horrors as overly loud Christina Aguilera music, air conditioners being left on too long, infrequent access to gourmet chefs, satirical puppet shows, and scantily clad female interrogators. Now, I can sympathize with the Christina Aguilera bit, but come on, does any of this sound in any way comparable to the genocide perpetrated by the Nazis, Soviets, and Khmer Rouge?

It does if you're a Democrat. One reason why Durbin's remarks didn't really register with me at first is because I've spent way too much time on leftist websites the last few years; that "American troops are Nazis" stuff is conventional wisdom there. But when the second-ranking Democrat in the United States Senate says it, you know you're seeing a party that has become completely unhinged.

Oh, but don't get them wrong, the Democrats still support those jack-booted Nazi thugs, er, I mean, our brave men and women in uniform. Yeah, whatever. The only good to come out of these outrageous remarks is that the lie that the Democratic Party supports our troops can finally be laid to rest once and for all.


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